Land Registry Property Alert

Property Alerts

{{ totalWithoutVat | currency }}+vat

Step {{step}} of {{steps}}

Getting Started

HM Land Registry’s Property Alert is a monitoring service aimed at anyone who feels a registered property could be at risk from fraud or if you would just like to be alerted when activity occurs.

Once you have signed up to the service, you will receive email alerts when certain activity occurs on your monitored properties, allowing you to take action if necessary.

Your property must be registered in England or Wales to use this service

Personal Details

{{ errors.first('title') }}
{{ errors.first('first_name') }}
{{ errors.first('surname') }}
{{ errors.first('email') }}
{{ errors.first('email_confirmation') }}
Please ensure your email address is accurate as we can not progress your application without it.
{{ errors.first('phone') }}

Your Personal Address

We could not find your address, please enter it manually.
{{ errors.first('personal_address[line_1]') }}
{{ errors.first('personal_address[line_2]') }}
{{ errors.first('personal_address[city]') }}
{{ errors.first('personal_address[county]') }}
{{ errors.first('personal_address[postcode]') }}

Review your application

Title {{ data.step_1.title }}
First name {{ data.step_1.first_name }}
Middle name {{ data.step_1.middle_name }}
Surname {{ data.step_1.surname }}
Email {{ }}
Phone {{ }}

Price Breakdown

Total Fee {{ total | currency }}
Including VAT

View terms & conditions

You must accept our terms and conditions to continue.

View our terms & conditions

You must accept our terms and conditions to continue.
{{ errors.first('payment_method') }}

Total amount to pay

{{total | currency}}

Edit Your Order

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